"Herring on the beach"

Vodka kiwi.

There were 6 coming barmen in my class - 3 girls and 3 guys. All are younger than me. Students just wants to have some own pocket money. Barman isn't an actual "profession" in Russia. It's just an easy way to earn some money (not a lot) for young people. So if you are 24 and you are still the barman everybody asks you why you don't climb the ladder. Next step of the career is a bar manager. My classmates:

I'm not going to climb a ladder. I just want to KNOW HOW TO MAKE COCKTAILS! So next part of education is a practice in clubs and cafes. I was sent in a one abandoned night club called "Pallada". It's huge and nobody's inside for all night! My young teachers were so nice and told me how to cheat a boss and clients) It's necessary if you want to earn more than 10000 rub per month (it's a usual salary for barmen in Vladivostok). When it was a half past midnight we just left the club and closed it.

Next time it was a big festival of break-dance and rap. Plenty people and everyone wants to drink. That was a real job! I was busy so much that couldn't even go to a bathroom till 4 at night. Mostly they wanted Redbull+vodka but I even made one pina colada. Hope that girl has survived...Next time nobody came. Again. But I had a very nice conversation with Andrey (on the right).

After my 4th time (that was quite successful) I decided to stop. But now I have a practice on my friend's birthdays parties. It seems they like it)
And I have a diploma! It's kinda international so I hope I'll be able to work with it abroad. Oh...I should say it's a great pleasure to see people like that you make) It's a new feeling for me because usually I can't see people's reaction for my article this instant.