четверг, 10 апреля 2008 г.

And the winner is...

Today Vladivostokians were discussing only one subject - price for fuel. Gazoline (92 octane) costs $1.15 now (yesterday it was 5% less).
As you know Russia is the country with one of the largest reserve of oil in the world. (6% of all world oil).
For example
Venezuela - 3 cents per litre, Iran — 9, Libia — 13, Saudi Arabia — 16.
Another group - 10 countries with subsidies but in less volume.
Azerbaijan — 46, Trinidada and Tobago - 43, Ecuador, Angola, Nigeria, Malaysia, Bolivia, Indonesia, Siria and Argentina - 62.

And third group - with high taxes. USA - 62, Kirgizia - 64, China - 69, Kazakhstan - 70, Republic of Korea - 71, Belorussia - 79, Tajikistan - 80, Ukraine - 81, Canada - 85, Uzbekistan - 85, Georgia - 86, Australia - 93, Armenia - 96, Moldavia - 97...

And...Russia, Vladivostok: $1.15 per litre. Yeah, we won!

2 комментария:

Сергей комментирует...

Where you got that information?
I mean, about fuel price in Venezuela? ;-)

Natie комментирует...

Of course from Internet...and I can't be sure it's 100% true:) But it's not a newspaper, it's just blog)